Лейся, звонкая песня медведя!.. Кажется, я уже начинаю любить наших сюрреалистичных читателей и читательниц… В моём секторе сейчас ремонт, сидим «в гостях» — без сетки, без принтера и т.п. Сегодня пошёл к соседям: надо было кое-какую фигню распечатать… Наблюдал следующее: девушка попросила сотрудницу набрать титульный лист курсовой работы, дала рукописный образец, где синим по белому русским языком было написано: "… специальность «Финансы и круги»" (Sic!).
Поступаю просто: творожный сырок в микроволновую печь, 1,5-2 минуты, мощность максимальная. Сырок кладу прям в обертке, она после разогрева легко снимается. Вкусни, сладки.
Все верно, но лишь отчасти: To allow for thermal expansion at the high operational temperatures, the fuselage panels were manufactured to fit only loosely on the ground. Proper alignment was only achieved when the airframe heated due to air resistance at high speeds, causing the airframe to expand several inches. Because of this, and the lack of a fuel sealing system that could handle the thermal expansion of the airframe at extreme temperatures, the aircraft would leak JP-7 jet fuel onto the runway before it took off. The aircraft would quickly make a short sprint, meant to warm up the airframe, and was then refueled in the air before departing on its mission. Cooling was carried out by cycling fuel behind the titanium surfaces at the front of the wings (chines). On landing after a mission the canopy temperature was over 300 °C (572 °F), too hot to approach. Non-fibrous asbestos with high heat tolerance was used in high-temperature areas. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_SR-71_Blackbird
Квадраты и пиздец. Даже комментировать не буду.
Кстати говоря, на М-ке такой проблемы не существует.
To allow for thermal expansion at the high operational temperatures, the fuselage panels were manufactured to fit only loosely on the ground. Proper alignment was only achieved when the airframe heated due to air resistance at high speeds, causing the airframe to expand several inches. Because of this, and the lack of a fuel sealing system that could handle the thermal expansion of the airframe at extreme temperatures, the aircraft would leak JP-7 jet fuel onto the runway before it took off. The aircraft would quickly make a short sprint, meant to warm up the airframe, and was then refueled in the air before departing on its mission. Cooling was carried out by cycling fuel behind the titanium surfaces at the front of the wings (chines). On landing after a mission the canopy temperature was over 300 °C (572 °F), too hot to approach. Non-fibrous asbestos with high heat tolerance was used in high-temperature areas.
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